Thursday, August 27, 2020
Financial Information for Decision Making of JB Hi-Fi Limited
Question: Examine about the Financial Information for Decision Making of JB Hi-Fi Limited. Answer: Presentation The investigation of budgetary execution and position is basic from the viewpoints of the financial specialists. The speculators put their cash on stake by putting resources into the companys shares accordingly they ought to have comprehension of the companys money related execution and position (Needles, Powers, and Crosson, 2013). All together break down the companys money related execution, it is fundamental to evaluate the matter of the organization on four center boundaries, for example, productivity, liquidity, proficiency, and outfitting. In this specific situation, a report has been introduced here that covers the money related investigation of JB Hi-Fi Limited over the time of three budgetary years starting from 2014 and finishing on 2016. Organization Background The JB Hi-Fi Limited, headquartered in Chadstone (Australia), recorded on Australian stock trade, is a retailing organization. The organization takes part in the matter of retail deals of home shopper items through two land sections, for example, Australia and New Zealand (JB Hi-Fi, 2016). The organization offers a scope of items which incorporates electronic items, media transmission, and cooking items. The organization was fused in the year 1974 and from that point forward it has developed complex to hold directly 194 JB Hi-Fi stores. By and by the organization utilizes 7,814 individuals, which delineates its developing size. In the year 2016, the organization worked with complete incomes of $3.95 billion. Further, the EBIT and Operating benefit after duty of the organization were seen to be $221.2 million and $152.2 million separately (JB Hi-Fi, 2016). The adjustments in innovation have caused auxiliary changes in the retail business everywhere throughout the world in the ongoing past years. The retail deal through stores isn't in style now after presentation of deals through online stages. Further, the opposition has got hardened not in Australia yet everywhere throughout the world after presentation of online deals stage. Be that as it may, JB Hi-Fi is getting into business obtaining procedures to lessen the unfriendly effect of rivalry. As of late in 2016, it has procured one of its rival in home apparatuses specifically Good Guys (Berry, 2016). Investigation of Financial Performance The monetary presentation of the organization has been seen to be acceptable in the ongoing years as delineated from the progressive development in the incomes, benefits, and number of stores worked. Further test into the gainfulness, liquidity, productivity, and equipping is completed as underneath: Gainfulness So as to survey the benefit of the organization, the noticeable proportions specifically net benefit and profit for value have been dissected. The net benefit proportion shows benefits propionate to deals (Tracy, 2012). Concerning JB Hi-Fi, the net benefit proportion for the year 2014, 2015, and 2016 have been seen as 3.67%, 3.75%, and 3.84% separately (Appendix). In this way, it could be seen that the net benefit proportion of the organization has improved throughout the years. The expansion in net benefits proportion is the aftereffect of cost cutting. Because of expanded rivalry in the business, the organization will undoubtedly discover the cost cutting instruments. Further, return on value shows benefits owing to the value proprietors proportionate to the absolute investors value (Tracy, 2012). The arrival on value of JB Hi-Fi has been seen as 43.54%, 39.83%, and 37.62% for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016 (Appendix). The arrival on value is indicating descending pattern. The essential purpose behind defeat in the arrival on value is increment in the investors value over the period. The investors value has expanded from $294 million of every 2014 to $404 million of every 2016. Harvey Norman is the greatest contender of JB Hi-Fi. Looking at the benefit of JB Hi-Fi with Harvey Norman, it has been seen that net benefits proportion of the organization is lower than that of contender. In any case, the arrival on value of the organization is better. Harvey Norman has net benefit proportion of 12.34% while the arrival on value is 13.40% (Morningstar, 2017). Liquidity All together evaluate liquidity, the essential proportions, for example, current proportion and fast proportion have been figured and investigated. The current and snappy proportions show companys capacity to meet the transient obligation commitments. Higher the proportion better will be the liquidity position on the organization (Tracy, 2012). On account of JB Hi-Fi, the current proportion has been seen as 1.64, 1.62, and 1.57 occasions for the monetary years 2014, 2015, and 2016 separately (Appendix). The current proportion could be seen to show the descending pattern over the timeframe. Further, the snappy proportion has been seen as 0.34, 0.36, 0.35 occasions (Appendix). The diminishing pattern in current proportion suggests corruption in the liquidity position of the organization. In any case, the current proportion of the organization is still superior to that of its rival. Harvey Norman has current proportion of 1.26 occasions which is lower than the companys current proportion of 1.64 occasions. Effectiveness The estimation of effectiveness identifies with the appraisal of administrations productivity concerning usage of benefits. The proportions, for example, receivables days, payable days, and resources turnover have been processed for this reason (Tracy, 2012). The receivable days have been seen as 7, 8, and 9 days for 2014, 2015, and 2016. The receivable days are indicating a smidgen increment which is unfavorable for the organization on the grounds that the assets are being tied for longer time now. The payable days have been seen as 33, 32, and 36. The expansion in payable days is ideal for the organization since now organization is getting more credit period from the providers. The advantage turnover proportion is additionally demonstrating descending pattern. The proportion tumbled from 4.05 occasions in 2014 to 3.99 occasions in 2016 (Appendix). The lessening in the benefit turnover proportion shows debasement in the administrations effectiveness with respect to use of the advant ages ideally. Equipping/Solvency The equipping or dissolvability suggests the companys capacity to meet the drawn out obligation commitments on schedule. For this reason, the obligation value proportion and obligation to resource proportions are viewed as appropriate to assess. The obligation to value proportion surveys the obligation propionate to value and obligation to resource proportion evaluates all out resources financed by obligation reserves (Tracy, 2012). On account of JB Hi-Fi, the obligation to value proportion has been seen as 1.92, 1.60, and 1.46 occasions for the monetary years 2014, 2015, and 2016 separately. It could be seen that obligation to value proportion is diminishing over the period which shows decrease in the danger of dissolvability. Further, the obligation to resource proportion is additionally seen to be diminishing. In the year 2014, it was 0.66 occasions and went down to 0.59 occasions in the year 2016 (supplement). The obligation value proportion of Harvey Norman is 0.08 occasions which is path lower than that of the organization (Morningstar, 2017). Subsequently, it could be derived that the organization is bearing more dissolvability hazard than the contender. End From the conversation in the report, it could be enunciated that the money related execution of JB Hi-Fi is moderate. The organization is developing at a moderate pace. The income and net benefits are expanding however at moderate pace. Further, on specific boundaries the organization is falling behind its rival. The net edge of organization is lower than the contender. Further, the obligation to value proportion of the organization is higher than the contender which portrays high dissolvability hazard for the organization. Be that as it may, the way that organization has obtained one of its rivals to be specific Good Guys could give motivation to financial specialists to make interest in the companys shares. The procurement of Good Guys is anticipated to have positive effect on the money related execution of the organization. In this manner, it is prescribed to the financial specialists to make interest in the companys shares from the momentary point of view. References Berry, P. 2016. JB Hi-Fi takes advertise lead with Good Guys. [Online]. Accessible at: the-heroes/report/a181998df6d2f1f797fa2f8d28ab3f6d [Accessed on: 17 May 2017]. JB Hi-Fi. 2016. Yearly report of JB Hi-Fi Limited for 2016. [Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed on: 17 May 2017]. Morningstar. 2017. Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. [Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed on: 17 May 2017]. Needles, B.E., Powers, M., and Crosson, S.V. 2013. Budgetary and Managerial Accounting. Cengage Learning. PWC. 2017. 2017 Retail drifts. [Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed on: 17 May 2017]. Tracy, A. 2012. Proportion Analysis Fundamentals: How 17 Financial Ratios Can Allow You to Analyze Any Business on the Planet.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Levels of strategic management and their uses
Levels of vital administration and their employments There are three degrees of Strategic Management. There is the Corporate Level, the Business level and the Functional Level. These levels are portrayed as under: For each level a specific arrangement of inquiries emerges or rather there is a capacity for each level while confining techniques for the whole business. Corporate Level: What business(es) should the organization be in? Business Level : How should the association contend in the earth? Useful Level: How should the associations assets be best utilized to help its methodology? This article is committed to the business level procedures that are being embraced by directors of various firms with the goal that their business has an upper hand over their rivals in the exceptionally unstable market. Business Level Strategy The initial step for divisional chiefs is to build up a model thatll permit an organization to increase an upper hand over its rivals in the market . They should mull over the accompanying: Key CHOICES Client needs Product Differentiation Clients needs are changing and the firm should have the option to develop and separate their items and administrations from their rivals. Client bunch Market Segmentation An organization needs to bunch clients dependent on the significance of distinction in their need and inclination. As such an organization has three other options: The organization may not perceive that various gatherings have various needs and pushes forward in serving the normal client. The organization may decide to showcase portion into various states and build up an item that suits the necessities of each fragment. The organization can perceive advertise fragments and decide to cook its items and administrations just to one market portion. Settling on Distinctive Competencies An organization must choose the unmistakable skills it must seek after to fulfill clients needs and gatherings. In settling on a business procedure decision, an organization must conclude how to arrange and consolidate its particular skills to increase an upper hand. Picking A GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGY AT THE BUSINESS LEVEL Picking a conventional serious technique at the business level suggests picking any of the accompanying methodologies: Cost Leadership/Low expense Separation Core interest All organizations can seek after whether or not they are from the assembling division, administration area, or not-for-profit associations. They can be sought after in various sorts of mechanical situations. Every one of the nonexclusive systems results from a companys tenacious and predictable decisions on its item, the market, and particular abilities Generally Cost Leadership Setting up a cost structure that permits a firm to give products and enterprises at a lower unit cost than its rivals Key Choices The cost chief doesn't attempt to be the trend-setter The cost chief positions his items to speak to the psyches of the normal client A definitive objective of a cost chief is to expand his proficiency and lower his expenses. Points of interest On the off chance that contenders charge comparable costs, the cost chief accomplishes a much predominant productivity The cost chief can charge a value lower than his rivals. On the off chance that there are amazing providers , the cost chief is less influenced by increment in costs of information sources In the event that there are incredible purchasers, the cost head is less influenced by a fall in cost of data sources Buys are done in gigantic amounts to build dealing control over providers The capacity of decreasing cost to rival other substitute items Low costs are an obstruction to passage of potential contenders. Disservices The contenders may bring down their expense. The contenders may duplicate the cost heads techniques. The general cost administration system conveys a hazard that the cost head, the resolute want to lessen costs, may lose right to changes in client tastes. Separation Separation system alludes to the separated companys capacity to fulfill a clients needs. An organization must make an item that clients see as unmistakable in a significant manner In the event that clients follow through on the greater expense charged for an item( higher than the cost charged by cost pioneer), it implies that clients accept the item separated characteristics to merit the distinction. Vital Choices Concentrate on Quality, ingenuity and responsiveness to client needs Endeavors to separate itself from contenders. Fragments the market into a wide range of specialties Fixation on the authoritative capacities that give the wellspring of separation and upper hand Focal points Clients become steadfast and create brand devotion Cost increments can be given to clients Ground-breaking purchasers will be anything but difficult to track down in light of the fact that the item is unmistakable and in this manner there is increment in incomes. Separated items and brand devotion are boundaries to passage of potential contenders. The danger of substitute items is limited and relies upon contenders capacity to address the issues of the client. Detriments It is hard to keep up a drawn out peculiarity in the clients eyes. Contenders can rapidly copy the companys items. Use of Patents and first-mover advantage are constrained It is hard to keep up a consistent premium cost In general Cost Leadership Differentiation Strategy There are a few organizations that seek after models of the general cost pioneer and differentiator at the same time Vital Choices Constraining the client choices can diminish the expense of creation and promoting costs An organization can lessen costs by embracing the JIT stock model. This inturn improves quality and unwavering quality The web has end up being of tremendous assistance to advertisers as they can participate in internet business to publicize and sell their item. These items are frequently in tremendous creation in nations with low work costs. Center Strategy The center procedure is essentially serving the clients needs of explicit market sections. The area of explicit clients eg: The individuals from the North-East love to eat pork. Regardless of whether the client is a high-roller or is a kind of client who spares. Another separation would be as far as quality searchers. In the wake of distinguishing and picking a particular market fragment, an engaged organization positions itself utilizing either a Minimal effort or separation methodology. At the point when an organization centers around one gathering of clients, it is said that the organization is receiving either an engaged cost technique or an engaged separated procedure. Favorable circumstances The focuser is shielded from its rivals to the degree that it can cook its items or administrations that they cant. The purchasers can't get something very similar from others hence the focuser has control over them. When brand dedication has created in the psyches of clients, the new participants dangers is restricted Substitutes will present negligible issue once the client creates faithfulness towards the item. The changing needs of clients are better followed by the focuser. Drawbacks With respect to amazing providers the focuser encounters an inconvenience since it obtains in little volume at significant expenses and subsequently can't pass the expense along to its dedicated clients A focuser may need to bring about more expenses since it is securing at low volumes It is intense for a focuser to keep up its specialty in view of changing clients wants and rapid innovative changes. Contenders particularly the differentiators will attempt in their most ideal manner to vie for the focusers specialty that has been created. Presently, let us center around organizations that embrace diverse business level techniques to increase a competive favorable position over their rivals. Coca-Cola The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola) is a maker, merchant and advertiser of non-mixed refreshments and syrups, including wellspring syrups. It makes and sells non-mixed refreshments, carbonated sodas and different assortments of non-carbonated drinks. It is working in each landmass in particular North America, Africa, South Asia and the Pacific, Europe, South America and Asia, Eurasia and Middle East. Items bearing the Coca-Cola trademark are being showcased in more than 200 nations everywhere throughout the world. This organization follows a business level system in particular the separation technique. It goes through enormous measures of cash in advancements and notices so as to separate their contributions and make an interesting picture for its cola items. The Coca-Cola organization has been fruitful in separating its items from its clients and in this manner increases an upper hand over them. Amreteck Group Amreteck Group (AG) is a pharma administration organization that is represent considerable authority in orchestrating speculation reserves/speculators, financing and is supporting various mergers for the pharmaceutical organizations in the United States and a few nations in South East Asia. Amreteck Group encourages organizations to trade their items in Least Developed Countries (LDC) and furthermore helps with finding nearby merchants and the items enrollment process in full consummation. Amreteck Group is associated with a few nearby Bangladeshi pharmaceutical organizations to profit by the countrys ease condition. AG is receiving the general minimal effort methodology to discover new courses underway cost decrease, new item improvement that can be produced requiring little to no effort and promoting chiefs to look for methods of cost decrease so as to have the option to draw in clients. Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation is related with the car business. Its car activities incorporate the structure, production, gathering and offer of traveler vehicles, recreational and sport utility vehicles, minivans and trucks and parts and frill for these manifestations. Toyota is seeking after a consolidated cost initiative and separation business level system. Toyotas creation framework is really the most proficient on the planet as detailed. This prevalent effectiveness of Toyota gives the organization a minimal effort technique in the gl
Friday, August 21, 2020
Is Technical Essay Samples Good?
Is Technical Essay Samples Good?If you want to learn to write a technical essay, there are many good online essays sites that provide sample papers. These samples are commonly referred to as technical essay samples. These samples are a great resource to help you hone your writing skills.Some of the sample essays provide examples of writing skills that are commonly overlooked by students. This is because they are interested in being able to put the ideas presented in the essay together and find the best ways to express their opinions.Information about the sources used and the style of writing is provided to allow the student to use these tips in the future. It can also provide an example of what the students should look for when reviewing the paper for possible errors. The more familiar a student becomes with technical essay samples, the easier it will be to improve their writing skills.Most of the samples provided by the essay sites use standard sources to include in the essay. These sources may include law journals, textbooks, e-mail messages, Internet references, and even the student's own writing. This allows the student to better understand the need for using different types of writing sources to achieve the right effect.There are a few problems that some students have with the sample essays. One is that they do not seem to give the student a good practice as they are often written in a format that is difficult to understand. Another issue is that the essay doesn't necessarily reflect the student's particular interests.The problem with many of the technical essay samples is that they are not exactly what the student is looking for. Many times the writer wants to write a technical essay that is reflective of their particular interests. A student who is interested in researching software might find an essay about a legal subject to be more appealing than one that has nothing to do with computers.The technical essay samples should not be confused with academic or theory essays. These are different from the sample essays. Technical essays, more than theory essays, are used to demonstrate how the writer will structure their paper.If you find the sample essays overwhelming, this can be an excellent way to improve your writing skills. Even if you are only using them to improve your essay writing skills, you should find that they can help you develop your own writing style. Remember, as you practice with the samples, you can adjust your own writing style to be the best it can be.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Nuclear Energy And Its Status In The US - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1898 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Science Essay Level High school Tags: Genetic Engineering Essay Did you like this example? Introductionà à à à à à à à Nuclear energy is energy used in making of military weapons and generation of electricity. This form of energy is generated from either nuclear fission or fusion. Today, the United States is one of the industrialized countries with a highly developed nuclear energy sector. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nuclear Energy And Its Status In The US" essay for you Create order Initially, the country used nuclear energy to make military weapons. However, today, a significant proportion of electricity used in the country is generated from nuclear energy. Nevertheless, the kind of energy has its benefits and its disadvantages. As a source of electricity, nuclear energy provides sufficient base load energy for power grids. On the contrary the nuclear energy industry is filled with secrets that may pave a way for illegal trade that will compromise the safety of Americans. The primary aim of this essay is to evaluate the status, pros and cons of the nuclear energy in the United States. Status of Nuclear Energy in the USà à à à à à à à The increasing demand for electricity and fluctuating prices and coal and natural gas in the United States accounted for extensive use of nuclear energy as from the late 1950s. Between mid and late 1880s, the Americans embarked on exploiting technological developments to generate electricity for the increasing domestic and industrial customers. As electrification extended from major cities to other parts of the country, demand for electricity increased. As such, production depended on coal, hydropower resources, oil, and gas for peak-time generation (Stoker Baker). As from the 1950s, increasing population and high rates of industrialization increased the demand for electricity significantly. On the contrary, the United States gas producers reverted to less demanding conventional reserves as the countrys gas reserves were located in shale rocks that were hard to reach. With the falling production of natural gas, their prices became unstable and price of electricity increased. Additio nally, increasing prices of coal increased the price of electricity; paving a way for the development and high use of nuclear power (Stoker Baker).à à à à à à à à The late 1950s marked the beginning of commercial production of electricity from nuclear energy in the United States. Early in the 1950s, the Atomic Energy Commission embarked on proving that nuclear energy was not only for making military weapons, but also other uses (Stoker Baker). In 1953, the AEC introduced the civil nuclear power program that also enabled access to the countrys nuclear fuels. Between 1957 and 1963, both the General Electric and Westinghouse adopted the use of light water reactor technology to generate electricity. With the increased competition between the two companies, General Electric developed the Boiled Water Reactor technology and used the resulting steam to turbines that generated electricity. As a result, AEC began to export nuclear reactors from France and Germany to continue with the production of electricity from nuclear energy (Stoker Baker).à à à à à à à à à Nuclear energy accounts for a significant proportion of electricity gen erated in the United States today. By the end of 2017, the number of nuclear reactors in the United States increased to 61 nuclear power plants that operated over 90 commercial nuclear reactors. Currently, nuclear developers use advanced technology to modify nuclear power reactors to maintain consistent power generation capacity. Today, the 99 operational nuclear reactors produce 20% of the countrys annual electricity equivalent to the amount produced in 1990s, despite shutting six nuclear reactors since 2013. The government attributes this consistency to the shortened length of reactor offline time for refueling (US Energy Information Administration Paras. 1-2). Prosà à à à à à à à Nuclear energy is highly beneficial. First, nuclear power provides constant minimum power that a power grid requires to economically supply power that satisfies minimum demands. Typically, nuclear reactors are independent; hence natural factors, such as wind and extreme sunshine do not affect their activities. Furthermore, they operate throughout the 24 hours in a day and generate about 90% of the power required for industrial and domestic use in a country (Fox 104). Such a power capacity supersedes that of wind and solar, which experts approximate to be 33% and 25% respectively. With the high power capacity, nuclear reactors have long-term average power output. This means that during the time of operation, nuclear reactors generate sufficient power to sustain power demands at the time of reactor downtime (Fox 104). Moreover, unlike solar and wind energy, nuclear energy is highly predictable. Such is the case as experts schedule downtime ahead of time to change fuel used in nuclear r eactors. Therefore, with the reactors ability to operate at 100% capacity, nuclear energy reduces dependency on coal and natural gas to provide base load energy for power grids (Fox 104).à à à à à à à à Nuclear power reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, which increases the volume of greenhouse gases circulating in the atmosphere. According to Michael Fox, coal produces about 960-1,300g/kWh of carbon dioxide. Production of nuclear power uses advanced technologies, which reduce carbon dioxide emission to two percent of the volume emitted from coal. The experts also predict that in future, new technologies will be used to improve nuclear processes that use uranium. Such a step will lower carbon dioxide emissions significantly from nuclear fuel cycles (Fox 105).à à à à à à à à Nuclear power eradicates the need for new power transmission lines that are environmentally damaging. In the United States, nuclear reactors are located in highly populated eastern parts of the country. Such a location means easy supply of power to the people through the existing transmission lines (Fox 106). Furthermore, nuclear reactors use highly concentrated energy from splitting uranium to generate power. In this case, a nuclear plant uses less than half a square mile to generate multiple gigawatts of electricity. Such a small footprint supersedes 50 square miles of solar panels and almost 500 square miles of wind turbines that generate similar amount of power (Fox 106). Therefore, with the small footprint and without a need for new power transmission lines, nuclear power is suitable for urban areas to reduce negative impacts on the landscape and environment.à à à à à à à à Nuclear reactors are cost-saving as they reduce the cost of replacing power generating equipment. According to Fox, the United States recognizes the lifetime of nuclear reactors as 40 years. However, after inspection, the Nuclear Energy Regulation can extend the lifetime to 60 years depending on the safety status of the reactors (Fox 106). On the contrary, solar panels have an average life of 20 years. Unlike the nuclear reactors, the power production efficiency of solar panels decreases by approximately one percent per year. This means that they will have lost 20% of the power output by the end of the 20 years. Additionally, wind turbines have a similar lifetime as solar panels (Fox 106). As such, a person investing in solar panels and wind turbines will incur the replacement cost twice compared to an investor in nuclear reactors, which do not need replacement in a period of 40 years. Consà à à à à à à Nuclear power plants attract high initial investment costs leading to a high cost of the generated electricity. According to Fox, each reactor requires about $6 billion to $8 billion to install. In 2005, the federal government enacted the Energy Policy Act that recognized the provision of construction loan guarantees for nuclear plants. However, the loans do not exceed 80% of a reactors cost. Furthermore, a significant proportion of investors cannot afford remaining 20% required to complete a single nuclear power project. Additionally, the law requires nuclear power developers to fully pay the cost of loan guarantee and the cost of administering such loan programs. Consequently, the plan discourages private financiers from financing private projects, especially when the nuclear developers fail to meet the loan guarantee obligations and to complete their projects within a particular period and budget (Fox 109). With the high initial investment cost, nuclear developers will increase th e price of power per unit; making it expensive, especially for domestic users. As a result, people will revert to other cheaper sources of power. Additionally, the federal government provides different incentives for investment in energy. However, of the total incentives, nine percent goes to research and development in nuclear power (Fox 110). This means that nuclear developers have to shoulder a high cost for the construction of nuclear reactors. Therefore, the market may not sustain nuclear power in the long-run due to its high initial investment.à à à à à à à à Political leaders highly interfere with the operations of nuclear developers. Consequently, they make decisions that increase the risks and uncertainties of nuclear power. According to George Gonzales, majority of the leaders tailor their politics to suite interests of the local businesses. Failing to align their political interests to those of the nuclear developers creates uncertainties in the local economic climate. Such a move discourages new nuclear developers from investing in the locality. Furthermore, political interferences force nuclear developers to shut their operations in a state prior to the end of their projects lifetime. For example, the state government of New York accuses the management of Oyster Creek nuclear plant of unwillingness to comply with the states safety measures. Consequently, Oyster Creeks management has decided to shut the plant in 2019,10 years before the planned time (Gonzales 3). In such a case, it is likely that the nuclear developer will hurriedly cease operations without considering proper disposure of their waste products. Consequently, Gonzales points out that nuclear waste can be mined to make nuclear weapons (Gonzales 4). Therefore, it is clear that political decisions compromise proper handling of civilian nuclear technology; thus increasing the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.à à à à à à à à Monopolization of the nuclear power sector can compromise peoples safety as the nuclear developers focus on maximizing output and profits. According to Gonzales, high initial investment attracts few investors. As a result, they dominate and monopolize the nuclear energy sector due to lack of high competition. In the United States, Westinghouse and General Electric are the dominant builders of nuclear reactors. With such monopoly, it is easy for investors to concentrate on increasing output to increase their earnings from nuclear power. As a result, they are likely to produce beyond their capacity and cause nuclear accidents, such as the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl reactor accidents of 1979 and 1986 respectively (Gonzales 3-4). Gerry Stoker and Keith Baker add that the nuclear industry in the United States is highly suspicious. Such is the case as the industry is secretive; creating a loophole for the investors to engage in secretive transactions that may compromise peoples safety (Stoker Baker Chapter 6).à à à à à à à Conclusionà à à à à à à à Nuclear energy is of significant use in the United States. Initially, nuclear power was used for military purposes. With time, advanced technology was used to generate electricity from nuclear energy. Today, electricity from nuclear power accounts for about 20% of the United States total electricity produced each year. Among its benefits, nuclear power eradicates the need for new power transmission lines that are environmentally damaging and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emission. Conversely, monopolization of the nuclear power sector can compromise peoples safety as the nuclear developers focus on maximizing output and profits. Moreover, nuclear power plants attract a high initial investment cost leading to a high cost of the generated electricity. Therefore, the federal government and private nuclear developers should invent ways of minimizing the cons, especially the safety concerns. Works Cited Baker, Keith, and Stoker, Gerry. Nuclear Power and Energy Policy: The Limits to Governance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Print. Fox, Michael, H. Why We Need Nuclear Power: The Environmental Case. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Print. Gonzalez, George, A. Energy and Empire: The Politics of Nuclear and Solar Power in the United States. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2012. Print. US Energy Information Administration. Nuclear explained: US nuclear industry. May 1, 2018. Retrieved from [Web] June 25, 2018.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Emotional Intel Essay - 3794 Words
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present information regarding effects of globalization on the economy and the culture of the Norway, during the past few years. Five sets of research questions were used to form the bases of the paper. The intent is to illiterate the cultural dynamics and business culture of the Country. Knowledge of the influence of culture and business practices will assist one with understanding globalization as it pertains to Norway. Using the information in this paper, individuals like consultants and managers who interact with Norweigians can use this as a framework or perspective Summary of the case study ââ¬Å"A Naà ¯ve Sahab In Indiaâ⬠The case study ââ¬Å"A Naà ¯ve Sahab in Indiaâ⬠tells the story of Brianâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He would benefit from cultural training sessions, which has been proved to be very effective to prepare professionals for intercultural work. By going through such training, Brian would learn how to better approach his managers without being too offensive. Brian will have to re-think his strategies before putting together a new manager team made up with old and newly hired managers, and only then carefully and slowly introduce the expected changes for the company. Male/Female Differences Disparities between males and females in society can be seen everywhere and the work place is no different. Women are expected to be vulnerable and sympathetic to othersââ¬â¢ needs, while men are expected to be competitive, strong and rational. In business, these gender differences determine communication behaviors and interactions. A study published in the ââ¬Å"Journal of Social and Development Sciencesâ⬠confirms, ââ¬Å"the gender of individuals engaged in negotiations will affect the communication style utilized by each individualâ⬠(Yu-Te Tu, 2012, p. 125). Women might rely more on non-verbal and indirect communication, which has been noted as a characteristic to those who have less power. Women are still pictured as the fragile gender by society, however many of the exclusive ââ¬Å"female traitsâ⬠are strengths that can make women more efficient managers than men. For example, women who are able to relate to others easily and possess the ability to empower will beShow MoreRelatedEssay Intel Corporation, 1968-19971123 Words à |à 5 PagesIntel Corporation, 1968-1997 Synopsis: This case traces the strategic decisions of Intel Corporation which defined its evolution from being a start-up developer of semiconductor memory chips in 1968 to being the industry leader of microprocessors in 1997 when it ranked amongst the top five American companies and had stock market valuation of USD 113 billion. Intel in DRAM business: The strategies employed by Intel for DRAM business focussed on: 1. 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Perhaps, this behavior stems from other organizational issuesRead MoreB2b And B2b Business Activities1300 Words à |à 6 Pagesfocus on retail transactions. An example of a B2C company would be Starbucks. Business to Business or B2B, companies doing direct business with each other instead of having consumers involved. A great example of a B2B company would be the Intel Corporation. The Intel Corporation is an American Global technology company, whom headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California. The overall marketing goal for both B2B and B2C companies is the same, increase the profit margin, but the marketing strategiesRead MoreB2b And B2b Business Activities1542 Words à |à 7 Pagesfocus on retail transactions. An example of a B2C company would be Starbucks. Business to Business or B2B, companies doing direct business with each other instead of having consumers involved. A great example of a B2B company would be the Intel Corporation. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Origins Of Christianity And Hinduism - 1737 Words
For the majority of the time that the largest religions in the world have existed, it has been in the pre modern era. As people developed and new ways of thought emerged, the scientific revolution sparked the modern era. This spark is what started to challenge many of the beliefs and practices upheld through all religions. Through these challenges, different interpreters and practices have formed which changed the course of development form the contemporary time period. This paper will reflect of the challenges and reactions the religions of Christianity and Hinduism faced with their encounters of the modern and postmodern situations. Pre-modern Christianity originally started as an offshoot of Judaism, as they believed that Jesus is the true Messiah and savior. Since the beginning Christians have believed in the Holy Trinity. This is something that has always and still is unique to this particular religion. The time period in which the religion was most widely spread was during Paulââ¬â¢s lifetime, a former persecutor of Christians. The pre-modern period is a time where many of the religionââ¬â¢s doctrines, books, and gospels were written. It is during this time that basis for what would later become the largest religion in the world was being formulated. The religion really blossomed once it took root being the official religion of the Roman Empire. The religion was spread all through out the vast land the Romans had conquered. All while this is going on through out the centuries,Show MoreRelatedWorld Religion: Christianity the Most Widespread Religion in The World1473 Words à |à 6 Pagesaround the wor ld. The six world religions are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Many of these religions are monotheistic, which is the belief of only one god or one higher power. There are also polytheistic believers, which is the belief in many or more than one god. These six world religions have a lot in common and they also have their differences that make their certain religion or belief special to them. Christianity is the most widespread religion in the worldRead MoreComparison of Hinduism to Christianity 703 Words à |à 3 PagesHinduism is one of the earliest religons that is still practiced around the world. It seeks to answer the same questions that Christianity does, but arrives at different answers. It seeks truth, but fails to find it. Hinduism seeks to ask the question of where do we come from? This question is not easily answerable. Because of the nature of Hinduism, everything is in a cycle. There is no beginning and there is no end. Hinduism also does not have a set of defined rules because of itââ¬â¢s views on multipleRead MoreThe Complexities of Hinduism803 Words à |à 4 PagesThe religion of Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The many aspects of Hinduism present a complex religion. However complex and intellectual this religion seems, the over whelming branches and diversities of Hinduism pose problems for the Hindu worldview. The history, nature of the world, practical outcomes, and superiority of Christianity display the challenges that Hinduism presents. From Hinduismââ¬â¢s pantheon of gods to its dysfunctional caste system, this religion has wreakedRead MoreComparison And Contrast Of World Religions1194 Words à |à 5 PagesReligions The religions of the world, while differing greatly in their specifics, are surprisingly similar. The three most prevalent religions in the world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, in that order. All believe in a higher power that presides over and created man. Islam originated in approximately 609 C.E., or Common Era, and Christianity originated around 33 C.E. which is supposedly when Jesus Christ was crucified. The main prophet of Islam, Muhammad, is supposedly of the lineage of Jesus ChristRead MoreCompare And Contrast Hinduism And Christianity1506 Words à |à 7 PagesAt first glance, the religions of Hinduism and Christianity may seem as different as any two religions could be, but with deeper investigation, Hinduism and Christianity have more in common that originally perceived. When the values of Hinduism are examined closely, many of the virtues that Hinduââ¬â¢s strive for, are similar to the virtues that Christians strive to achieve. While The deities for the religi ons vary greatly, as do the ideas of after-life, both religions have a likeness in the ideas ofRead MoreHinduism : Hinduism And Hinduism1140 Words à |à 5 PagesPart One: Hinduism Worldview Hinduism is a panetheism belief system in which there are over 330 million different deities. They have a large number of different sects (Hindson and Caner 262-265). Hinduism starts with 3 Trimurti, or deities and ends with over 330 million different gods (Hindson and Caner 262-265). With an estimated 850 million followers (Halverson 1-8) . Hindus strongly believe in reincarnation, and karma. They believe that untill one reaches the highest state of purity, they willRead MoreHinduism and Budhism: Two of the Worldà ´s Largest Religions1201 Words à |à 5 Pagesfall under the definition of religion in their countries of origin. Two of these Religions are Hinduism and Buddhism. While some do not see these as extremely prominent, they are pinocle belief systems in the Asian continent, with over 1 billion followers all together. (Feldhaus) These two religions along with few other traditional Asian belief systems are very different from traditional western belief systems in ways of the ir origins, practices and philosophy.(Chen) What is it that makes theseRead MoreChristianity And Hinduism .According To The Human Truth1601 Words à |à 7 PagesChristianity and Hinduism According to the human truth foundation (2017) ââ¬Å"religions are shared collection of transcendental beliefs that have been passed on from believers to converts, which are held by adherents to be actively meaningful and serious and either based on formally documented doctrine or established cultural practices.â⬠There are many religions in the world some are old as the beginning of time and some are newer. Hinduism is one of the oldest organized religion in the world. Read MoreIslam, Hinduism, Buddhism And Christianity Comparison1025 Words à |à 5 PagesPractices of Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity Comparison Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity developed centuries ago and have been practiced since then to today. Groups of people who practice these religions are bound to the conventional norms, beliefs, cultures and way of life of each. Each religion has a particular faith in a supreme being (Woodhead, Partridge Kawanami, 2016). Muslims believe in Allah, Christians believe in Jesus Christ, Hindus believe inRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Hinduism1166 Words à |à 5 Pagesinternationally and many are practiced worldwide. Both Christianity and Hinduism are very popular religions, and have a substantial amount of followers. In fact, Christianity and Hinduism are the largest, and third largest religions of the world, respectively. They have been tremendously influential on the world and have, arguably, shaped it into what it is today. Despite many differences between the two religions, Christianity and Hinduism have quite a few fascinating similarities. Not on ly do they
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Marketing Management Nike
Question: Write about theStrategic Marketing Managementfor Nike. Answer: External and Internal Analysis of Nike External Analysis Customer Analysis Nike is the largest player in the athletic apparel with $28 billion in annual sales (Mahdi, Abbas, Mazar and George (2015). Nike focuses on and categorizes its customers based on a certain demographics such as age, income trends and many more. Based on the demographic the major customers of Nike are Women, Young Athletes and runners. In addition, the company develops products based on the popular categories of sports. As mentioned by Mahdi et al., (2015), Nike is expanding the range of its womens apparel, particularly, the sports bras and tights. It is also identified that the Sales of Nike training as well as running apparel for women increased by double digits in the last quarter. However, the ADIDAS attracts young athletes to wear its apparel via sponsorship with the local clubs, federation and leagues. Competitor Analysis Even though, Nike is worlds largest apparel brand with the highest revenue, it has strong competitors with the highest market Chung, Derdenger and Srinivasan (2013). The major competitors of Nike are Adidas, Reebok, Taylor Made and Rockport. Among all competitors of Nike, Reebok and Adidas are the potential competitors with the worldwide revenue of $3 billion and $ 16 billion (Verdu, Gmez-Gras and Martnez-Mateo (2012). It is also observed that competition in athletic apparel is fierce. These competitors are expanding their categories of products as well as nations with widened -. Even though substitutes such as footwear, sports kits of regional brands like Li Ling tend to pose a significant threat against Nikes performance as the major player in the global shoes market (Chung, Derdenger Srinivasan 2013). The global demands for athletic footwear, apparel as well as the equipment are projected to grow in the future because the customers cannot substitute these products. On the other s ide, it has also been observed that Nike has a large degree of brand recognition as well as loyalty; thereby, it will be difficult to for new entrants to match its range. Market Analysis Nike has developed relationship marketing as well as segmentation to increase consumer satisfaction. It is also identified that Nike, the market leader in the field of the sportswear products is also the market leader of innovation, creativity as well as brand awareness. Although, the company has observed that a tremendous growth in the market, strong competition in the market influenced Nike to buy share other brands belonging to same sector. For example, in 2003, the brand purchased Converse in 2003 (Do, Ko Woodside, 2015). The product line of the brand focuses on the premium target market. In addition, compared to the marketing of competitors, overall revenue of Nike increased by 4.98% in the first quarter of 2017 (Verdu, Gmez-Gras Martnez-Mateo, 2012). Nike in the international market competes with an increasing number of athletic as well as leisure footwear organizations, athletic and leisure apparel firms. Environment Analysis It is identified that huge production factories of Nike, undoubtedly have been affecting the environment. The operation in these factories releases huge amount of aerial pollution. the company has been dealing with an increasing pressure put by the government. Internal Analysis Performance (Strength) The growing operation helps the company to expand the operation with almost 338 outlets and 336 outlets in the global environment (Mahdi et al. 2015). The company has successfully been running the operation in more than 52 countries (Verdu et al. 2012). The strong marketing as well as RD helps the firm to remain active in such competitive environment. In this context, Soener (2015) commented that Nike develops and uses Make to Stock customer order that helps to deliver fast service to buyers from the available stock. However, in China, Nikes operation is affected by the presence of ADIDAS. ADIDAS has contracted with Chinese basketball superstar to manufacture basket shoes and this has affected market share of Nike (Verdu et al. 2012). Determinants of Strategic Options Due to the strong global presence, Nike has the opportunity to penetrate in the new market that has increasing rate of growth such as Brazil, China and other European nations. In order to strengthen the brand presence in the foreign nations, it could follow anti-dumping responsibilities on countrys products. In addition, to this the company could develop new production line for the fashionable footwear to attract the new buyers. Moreover, Nike still did not pay a required attention to child wear. However, the demand for child wear is extremely high. The competitors like ADIDAS have developed a child category, which brought in a significant advantage to the company (Walley Li,2015). Therefore, it is necessary for Nike to focus on the child wear. References Chung, K. Y., Derdenger, T. P., Srinivasan, K. (2013). Economic value of celebrity endorsements: Tiger Woods' impact on sales of Nike golf balls.Marketing Science,32(2), 271-293. Do, H., Ko, E., Woodside, A. G. (2015). Tiger Woods, Nike, and I are (not) best friends: how brand's sports sponsorship in social-media impacts brand consumer's congruity and relationship quality.International Journal of Advertising,34(4), 658-677. Mahdi, A., Abbas, M., Mazar, T. I., George, S. (2015). A comparative analysis of strategies and business models of Nike, Inc. and Adidas Group with special reference to competitive advantage in the context of a dynamic and competitive environment.International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research,6(3), 167-177. Soener, M. (2015). Why do firms financialize? Meso-level evidence from the US apparel and footwear industry, 19912005.Socio-Economic Review, mwv006. Szenberg, M., Lombardi, J.W. Lee, E.Y., (2014).Welfare effects of trade restrictions: A case study of the US footwear industry. Academic Press. Verdu, A. J., Gmez-Gras, J. M., Martnez-Mateo, J. (2012). Value creation through production offshoreinshore strategies in a footwear industry cluster: A coevolutionary perspective.International Business Review,21(3), 342-356. Walley, K., Li, C. (2015). The market for luxury brands in China: Insight based on a study of consumers perceptions in Beijing.Journal of Brand Management,22(3), 246-260.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Moral Implications of The Pardoners Tale an Essay Example For Students
The Moral Implications of The Pardoners Tale an Essay d The Nuns Priests TDuring the Middle Ages, England was a nation in social chaos. Deception of every kind was rampart throughout the lands. Many people felt that there was a great need for moral improvement in society. In Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales he clearly brings to light his thoughts and concerns of ethical cleansing. No tale more fully expresses this idea than that of The Pardoners Tale and The Nuns Priests Tale. The Pardoners Tale suggests a profile of the Pardoner as a moral man, a man of God. The narrator is viewed as a wise, gentle, and truthful man who wants to share his story in a respectful tone. His story reveals his message, which is that greed leads to destruction and the corruption of all things good. The Pardoner appears to have beliefs that are consistent with the moral of the story. As he describes the journey of the three riders, he recognizes the evils of being greedy. For it was utterly the mans intent/ To kill them both and never to repent(255). He is perceived as a holy man who values truth and honesty. His tale describes the downfall in mans pride and arrogance. This is demonstrated through the irony of the three riders as they seek Death, whom they find when they plot against each other for selfish reasons and kill one another. They fell on him and slew him, two to oneHe took a bottle full of poison up/ And drank and his companion drank from it also and they both perished (256). The Pardoners prologue, however, reveals a man dedicated not to God and church, but rather, to the ruthless exploitation of the masses. Told in the form of a confession, the Pardoner reveals his method of preaching and manipulating his audience. That tricks been worth a hundred marks a year/ Since I became a Pardoner, never fearAnd tell a hundred lying mockeries more(242). The epilogue of The Pardoners Tale provides a final view of the teller, who is not concerned with truth or morality. Is there any good at all in the Pardoner? Even though the Pard oner provides his services because of his greed, he knows intuitively that all those around him require spiritual and moral guidance. He is able to turn the villagers he dupes away from their greedy ways by telling them a story of death and destruction. We will write a custom essay on The Moral Implications of The Pardoners Tale an specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Nuns Priests Tale primarily revolves around Chanticleers dream. However, the importance of the story was not in the dream but rather in his actual encounter with the fox. Chanticleer notices the fox while watching a butterfly, and the fox confronts him with dissimulating courtesy, telling the rooster not to be afraid. Sir! Wither so fast away? / Are you afraid of me, that I am your friend? (227). As a way to trap Chanticleer the fox praises him on his magnificent voice. Truly I came to do no other thing/ Than just to lie and listen to you sing. / You have as merry a voice as God has given/ To any angel in the courts of Heaven (227). Chanticleer relishes the foxs flattery of his singing. He beats his wings with pride, stands on his toes, stretches his neck, closes his eyes, and crows loudly. The fox reaches out and grabs Chanticleer by the throat, and then slinks away with him back toward the woods. Fortunately for Chanticleer the response to his disappearance was rather immediate . The dogs follow, and pretty soon the whole barnyard joins in the chase. Chanticleer very cleverly suggests that the fox turn and boast to his pursuers. The fox opens his mouth to do so, and Chanticleer flies out of the foxs mouth and into a high tree. The fox tries to flatter the bird into returning to the ground, however, Chanticleer has learned his lesson. He tells the fox that flattery will no longer work for him. The priest even says it himself to his listeners, Lo, such it is to be on your guard against the flatterers of the world(231). This story served not only to provide a moral but also a warning to the people that there is a Chanticleer and a fox in all of us. Thus we must be weary of deception everywhere we go. The priest preaches moral cleanliness in a subtler manner than the Pardoner does nonetheless he does so. .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 , .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .postImageUrl , .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 , .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:hover , .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:visited , .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:active { border:0!important; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:active , .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305 .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u78f4dc9373fbe2c542d6505498db6305:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: There Was A Man Named Josiah Franklin. He Owned A Candle And Soap Shop EssayThe Middle Ages was a time when greed and deception reigned supreme. Many intellectuals felt that society, as a whole, needed some sort of moral enlightenment. One of those people was Chaucer who expresses his ideas through The Canterbury Tales. The Pardoners Tale as corrupt and exploiting as it was managed to express a clear moral message that greed can lead to destruction. In The Nuns Priests Tale Chaucer shows how sycophants used laudatory words to persuade or trick people into complying with their wants and desires.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The Distribution of Power at Gateshead in Jane Eyre Essay Example
The Distribution of Power at Gateshead in Jane Eyre Essay Example The Distribution of Power at Gateshead in Jane Eyre Essay The Distribution of Power at Gateshead in Jane Eyre Essay Essay Topic: Jane Eyre At Gateshead, the Reed family holds power over Jane Eyre. The Reeds power comes in several forms, including limiting Janes social contact as well as bullying her. The Reeds also psychologically abuse Jane by attacking her value. Mrs. Reed does not allow Jane to interact with her cousins saying that not until, by her own observation that I was endeavoring in good earnest to acquire a more sociable and child-like disposition, she really must exclude me from privileges intended only for contented, happy, little children. (p.7) This line not only shows the limit of Janes social contact, but also her exclusion from the family as well as a psychological attack against her. Janes cousin John is the member of the Reed family that physically holds power over her. He bullied and punished me: not two or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually: every nerve I had feared him (p.10) Up until Janes fight with John, she was expected to remain silent until she could sp eak pleasantly, she also took all of her abuse without reply. Throughout Johns bullying, Janes, care was how to endure the blow which would certainly follow the insult. (p.10) She realizes that reacting will do her no good and that is shown when she does react to John throwing the book at her, Mrs. Reed punished her by sending her to the red-room, while it appears that John receives no punishment. Jane is also reminded of how she is not apart of the Reed family. When John finds her reading he tells Jane that, You have no business to take our books: you are a dependant, mama says: you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg, and not to live here with gentlemens children like us. (p.11) Once Jane does gain hope of leaving the Reeds household, the Reeds begin to act curler towards her. Janes social interaction is further red
Sunday, February 23, 2020
What Is The Relationship Between Whiteness And Racism Effects of Essay
What Is The Relationship Between Whiteness And Racism Effects of Racism and Sexism. Binary Logic of Race - Essay Example Western society has a shameful and recent legacy of slavery and is a country stratified by race, gender and class. For some, like renowned African American author, scholar and social activist, bell hooks, the United States is a country with a strong tradition of institutionalized racism which permeates all aspects of modern America society (see hooks' Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism, 1981). Importantly as well, the United Kingdom has a colonial legacy in which racist ideas about civilisation governed its colonial conquests. For many in the UK as well as in the United States, racism is an ever-present aspect of the social condition and is built upon a rigid social code, a white/black binary which has its roots in a belief that whiteness is superior to all other types of skin tones. The following will explore racism today and the relationship between whiteness and race in modern society.... variety of factors can account for this disparity, low birth weight remains the most prominent cause of a higher infant mortality rate amongst black babies. In fact, black babies in America have a 300% greater likelihood of being born with a low birthrate relative to their white counterparts. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention found a variety of socio-economic causes for the phenomenon of low birth weight, including poverty, poor nutrition, a lack of knowledge about pregnancy and the challenges associated with it, and access to proper medical facilities. The disparity in black-white successful birth ratios in America thus can be attributed to social forces and socio-economic differences amongst black and white Americans (Carmichal and Iyasu, 1998; Kogan, 1997) Binary Logic of Race The binary logic of race is inherently hierarchical and people of mixed racial parentage or individuals who are bi-racial are somewhere in-between the artificial and socially constructed binary so pervasive in modern American society. How do mulatto people identify within the rigid constraints of the racial binary How is racial identity redefined by individuals who, through no fault of the own, do not fit into the supposedly neat and compact racial categories society seeks to impose on them Most importantly, how are people who are mulatto freed from the binary concept of race and how do these people define their own unique racial identities Seeking to answer these questions and further analyze the social construction of identity today, this essay will discuss readings from Reddy, Walker, Senna and Williams with an eye to the social construction of race and racial identity. The specific focus will be on how the artificial binaries of race and race hierarchy are navigated and
Friday, February 7, 2020
Food and Politics in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Food and Politics in Britain - Essay Example The year 1917 marked the worst times for Britain because of scarcity of food brought by bad winter and attack of the food supplies by Germans U-boats. The British government started food rationing to mitigate the food crisis, meat, tea, butter, margarine, sugar were some of the food stuffs rationed by the government. Previously, before food rationing, people had to queue on long queues, which led to frustrations and rioting by the persons especially workers in munitions factories. However, food rationing only took a short time because local communities started taking control of the food supply. Government took control of prices of food supplied by the local community and this led to drops in price. Queues started disappearing and the population had enough food supply (Mason 2004). Mason (2004) explains that because of scarcity of food in Britain during the First World War, they had to depend mostly on the outside world. The author points out that the government depended mostly on the imports and their food is industrialised. The British government import raw and finished food products from other countries. Because of the wars in the early times of the 20th century most of the people in Britain did not care much of the food culture. Only a few of them knew about food culture, however, the currently food culture is viable and in most households food culture is practiced. A small percentage of the British population was fond of meat and potatoes. These combinations were served as meat and two veg. Meat and two veg according to British culture is meat, potatoes and other vegetables served all together. However, industrialization phased out food culture in the late 20th century. Foods such as roasted beef, fruit cake and minced pies were embraced as traditional fo od. British foods served were made in regard to food fashion, health standards and eating habits. Unlike French and Italian food,
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Food Inc, opinion paper Essay Example for Free
Food Inc, opinion paper Essay Question 1: Based on your viewing of Food, Inc., how does your view of ââ¬Å"farm-freshâ⬠and other marketing messages that suggest a more organic flow of food products relate to the realities of 21st-century marketing channels for food? The American Marketing Association defines marketing as ââ¬Å"the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at largeâ⬠( The marketing mix consists of product, price, place, promotion, which means that a company needs to sell the right product at the right price and in the right place, using the best promotion. Because of all of this, ââ¬Å"farm-freshâ⬠and organic foods must fight in the marketplace against traditionally farmed foods. Looking at the product: what exactly makes a food organic? Organic can mean different things to different people, and even has a different meaning between companies. According to, the USDA defines organic food as that which is produced with emphasized use of renewable resources, plus conservation of soil and water. Organic food is produced without conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetics or waste, bioengineered, or ionized radiation. ââ¬Å"Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormonesâ⬠( A government-approved certifier must inspect farms where organic foods are grown to assure that the farmer follows all USDA rules and meets organic standards. Price is a large factor when most people go grocery shopping, especially during these tough economic times. Many, including myself, can argue that organic or ââ¬Å"farm-freshâ⬠foods are just too expensive to buy on a regular basis, or even at all. Personally, I will buy whichever brand is cheapest, without paying attention to where or how it is produced. According to, one should consider the following facts when wondering why an organic product might cost more than itââ¬â¢s traditionally grown counterpart: Conventional farmers receive federal subsidies, while organic farmers do not, so the price of organic food reflects the true cost of growing. Environmental cleanups, that we pay for with our tax dollars, is not reflected in conventional food. Organic production is more labor and management intensive. And finally, organic farms do not benefit from the economies of scale that larger, more conventional farmers receive. The placement of organic foods is generally next to conventional foods in most grocery stores. Some stores may have a separate organic section, or the organic product could be placed next to its conventionally grown counterpart. Some grocery stores, such as Natural Grocers, only sell USDA approved organic or naturally grown produce and meat, and would not be concerned with placement. Organic foods are generally promoted as being more nutritious than conventional foods. Although, admits that there is not research to back this claim, at this time, there are studies that show that organic food has a higher nutritional value. This makes since, considering they are grown more naturally, with less chemicals. This film does expose something about organic or ââ¬Å"farm-freshâ⬠foods: the American food industry is supposed to be protected by the USDA and FDA, but they have been allowing these suppliers to focus on profit and put aside consumer health, the environment, and worker safety. Question 2: Based on your answer to Question 1, are you likely to change how and where you procure your foods (i.e., grocery stores, farmersââ¬â¢ markets, fast-food outlets)? Please explain your reasons. I have never been concerned about how my food was made or where it came from. I have never paid attention to organic foods, GMOs, all-natural, or anything related to the production of the foods I eat. As far as I know, my parents never paid attention to these things either. Because of this, ââ¬Å"farm-freshâ⬠and other marketing of organic foods has not affected me. I just purchase the foods that I want and pay no attention to whether they are ââ¬Å"farm-freshâ⬠, organic, locally grown, etc. I will buy whatever is cheapest,à not whatever is healthiest, most natural, or whatever. My opinion and food purchasing habits will most likely not change after viewing this movie. This question reminds me of high school health class, where we had to watch ââ¬Å"Supersize Me.â⬠Everyone started saying how gross it is, that they are never eating at McDonalds again, or whatever other promises they were making. All I could think was that I could totally go for some McNuggets after school that day! I guess it is just because I have never worried about where the food I eat comes from. However, I have always paid attention to salmonella and E. coli recalls. I remember not eating beef or spinach or peanut butter when there was an outbreak in their plants, because why would I want to get sick? So, I would say no, I will not change where or how I procure my groceries. I will not say that I did not get sad watching those little baby chicks die, or the chickens getting slung around. And those poor cows getting slaughtered, and that one that had that hole and the guy was digging around in her stomach, and said that she was not in painâ⬠¦how does he know?! Heââ¬â¢s just cut a big hole in her and is sticking his hand in her stomach, and she cannot tell you that she is in pain! Question 3: Finally, do you think there are any ethical and/or social responsibility issues that confront marketing channels for food distribution? Chicken are manipulated to grow bigger breasts, tomatoes are genetically engineered to not go bad by being picked while they are green, then ripened with chemicals. Tens of thousands of Americans get sick from new strains of E. coli every year. Levels of obesity are shooting upwards, and diabetes in adults and children have reached epidemic proportions. If Americans knew how corporations used subsidies and exploited laws to make more money, would they think more carefully about what they are eating? The truth is, most people have no clue where their foods come from. Below, I will list secrets and other things that the public should know about the food that they are putting into their bodies. I found a list on ( of 18 ââ¬Å"Food, Inc.â⬠facts that everyone should know, which I have comparedà with my notes and compiled the following paragraphs. I feel that if everyone was aware of these facts, it would increase the social responsibility of these companies, and people would have trust in them. These facts pertain to the slaughterhouses and meat packers. In the 1970s, the top five beef packers controlled about 25% of the market, while today, more than 80% of the market is controlled by the top four. In the 1970s, there were thousands of slaughterhouses producing the majority of beef sold, while today, there are only 13. In 1972, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. Approximately 32,000 hogs a day are killed in Smithfield Hog Processing Plant in Tar Heel, NC, the largest slaughterhouse in the world. In 2006, the FDA only conducted 9,164. These facts pertain to Monsanto and the USDA. Prior to renaming itself an agribusiness company, Monsanto was a chemical company. In 1996 when Monsanto introduced Round-Up Ready Soybeans, the company controlled only 2% of the U.S. soybean market. Now, over 90% of soybeans contain Monsantoââ¬â¢s patented gene in the United States. In 1998, the USDA implemented microbial testing for salmonella and an E. coli strain so that the USDA could shut down the plant if they repeatedly failed these tests; the USDA no longer has this power after being taken to court by the meat and poultry associations. These facts pertain to the FDA, USDA, and congressmen. During the Bush administration, the head of the FDA was the former executive vice president of the National Food Processors Association. Also during the Bush administration, the chief staff at the USDA was the former chief lobbyist for the beef industry in Washington. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was an attorney at Monsanto from 1976-1979; after his appointment to the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas wrote the majority opinion in a case that helped Monsanto enforce its seed patents. The SB63 Consumer Right to Know measure, requiring all food derived from cloned animals to be labeled as such, passed the California state legislature before being vetoed in 2007 by Governor Schwarzenegger, who said that he couldnt sign a bill that pre-empted federal law. The rest of these facts are just interesting. The average chicken farmer (with two poultry houses) invests over $500,000, but only makes $18,000 a year. The average American eats over 200 pounds of meat each year. The modern supermarket stocks, on average 47,000 products, most of which are being produced by only a handful of food companies. About 70% of processed have some genetically modified ingredients. According to the American Diabetes Association, 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes. Among minorities, the rate will be 1 in 2. E. coli and salmonella outbreaks have been more frequent in America. In 2007, there were 73,000 people wicked by the E. coli bacteria. Organics is the fastest growing food segment, increasing 20% annually.
Monday, January 20, 2020
President Bill Clinton :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays
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Sunday, January 12, 2020
MegaCities Essay Essay
Mega Cities are cities that have a population of more than 8 million and are characterised by the challenges they face, including issues involving the informal economy, unemployment, poor sanitation and shelter. These issues are largely prominent in these cities due to rapid urban growth and a lack of resources. In many cases action has been taken by national governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOââ¬â¢s) to combat and reduce the impact of these issues, however In order for these strategies to be effective they need to fit 3 primary criteria, the solution must be community based, cost effective and sustainable economically and environmentally. Strategies such as micro financing.. Etc. have been adopted to resolve these challenged. A primary challenge facing many mega cities is the populationââ¬â¢s heavy reliance on the informal economy as a means of income. The informal economy is a sector of unregulated work and with this comes high unemployment rates and a lack of jobs to support the ever-increasing population. Jobs in the informal economy are particularly prominent in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where 65% of all jobs are found in this sector. Jobs in the informal economy pose a threat to mega cities and their population as workers are not protected and are open to exploitation (e.g. Child labour) and people employed informally pay no tax (e.g. Street vendors, rickshaw drivers) leading to a reduction in the governments revenue. A number of strategies have been undertaken in order to transform informal work into the formal economy, including Micro financing. Micro financing involves NGOââ¬â¢s giving out small loans (approximately $US200), which provide people with money to formalise their business. There are a number of NGOââ¬â¢s that undertake this strategy, including Opportunity International, which is an Australian charity, operating in manila, targeting particularly impoverished communities. Access to these loans is based on a persons standing in the community and once the business begins to sustain itself loans must be repaid. The outcome of this process is a formalised business, which then contributes to governmentà beneficially by providing it with revenue. This strategy to combat the prominence of the informal economy has been particularly successful, adheres to the three evaluation criteria and provides users with lifetime skills and an income, which could potentially improve their living standards/quality of life. Another challenge faced by a large majority of mega cities is access to shelter, due to population growth in mega cities being too extreme for sufficient supply of housing. This in turn leads to the creation of informal housing, such as squatter settlements, which are generally formed on unoccupied unwanted land, such as next to rail lines or sewerage systems. Informal housing is extremely prominent in developing countries such as India, where 500,000 people live on the pavement in Kolkata with at least 4 million more living in squatter settlements; as well as 1 million people living in cemeteries in Cairo, and à ¼ of the Philippines population residing in slums. This informal housing creates a number of problems for its residents and government; it lacks basic services (sewerage, electricity, water), leading to unsanitary living conditions. There is a lack of tenure, which is the legal right to occupy land, which stops residents from wanting to improve property, insecurity for people and also extremely high crime rates particularly in the Favelas of Rio de Janiero where the police are unable to patrol, due to extreme gang violence. NGOââ¬â¢s and governments have undertaken strategies to improve the issue of lack of access to shelter, including the Kolkata Bustee Improvement Project, a joint initiative between government and non-government organisations. This is a site and service program meaning that the project takes an existing site and provides it with necessary services, such as sanitation, electricity etc. This program in turn reduces the cost burden on local government and creates jobs by incorporating the local community into the work. This movement has tried to stop Indiaââ¬â¢s slum clearance policy, which frees up NGOââ¬â¢s to be able to assist the extreme urban poor. This movement has proved to be extremely successful in improving the shelter situation in Kolkata as it improves the living standard of squatter settlement dwellers, provides jobs and skills to the local community (therefore adding to the formal not informal economy) and also allows NGOââ¬â¢s to be able to assist the poor as they were previouslyà restricted by government policies. Another benefit is that it is cost effective because it aims to improve existing settlements and creates tenure. Access to sanitation is another key challenge faced by many Mega Cities that is, providing safe food and drinking water and sewerage management. Due to increasing populations, inadequate and ancient sewerage systems and also lack of access to fresh water many Mega Cities face sanitation issues. This issue is particularly prominent in cities such as Manila, where only 11% of people have access to a sewerage system, Karachi at 20% and Dhaka at 18% of the population. Water Borne diseases are particularly prominent in megacities, such as Cholera, Dysentery and Typhoid. Furthermore the disposal of solid waste in Mega cities has lead to issues involving contamination of groundwater and creating Vernon, this is common of Jakarta where only à ¼ of all rubbish gets collected. To combat the issue of sanitation, local governments and NGOââ¬â¢s have established very effective, low-tech strategies, such as the Pour Flush Toilet. This initiative is a relatively cheap response to the needs of unplanned urban settlements in mega cities. A pour flush toilet has a water seal that avoids the problems associated with odour and insects. However its effectiveness is limited by the fact that the system is not suitable in cities where the groundwater table is close to the surface, which is the case in many mega cities, including Mumbai and Kolkata in India and Dhaka in Bangladesh. Also, pour flush toilets can produce substantial quantities of heavily contaminated wastewater which can require substantial downstream infrastructure to avoid severe environmental and public health problems. Despite the disadvantages of this strategy it has proved to be a very successful short term solution to the issue of sanitation and is widely used in Mega Cities around the world, due to the fact that they are simple to use and can be kept clean fairly easily. Mega Cities face many challenges; largely due to their high population increase rate. They therefore need to develop a number of solutions and strategies to combat these prominent issues, such as the informal economy, access to shelter and access to sanitation. If action is not taken to confront these issues they will only become more consequential, leading to more deaths and further environmental and land degradation. Governments andà NGOââ¬â¢s continually need to create strategies to solve these issues and their efforts so far have proved to be extremely beneficial in improving the quality of life of residents of Mega cities, as they fit the three primary criteria needed for solutions to be effective.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Looking at the similarities and context of the plays; The...
Looking at the similarities and context of the plays; The Crucible, St. Joan and Antigone I shall be comparing the following three plays: The Crucible, St. Joan, and Antigone. I will be analysing the plays contents so that I can look at the similarities between the three of them and communicating the ideas that each of the three main characters have similar characteristics. The Crucible was written by playwright Arthur Miller and was first produced in 1953. The play is set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and looks at the witch hunt that surrounded America in the seventeenth century. Miller used his own views of McCarthyism to look at the sheer madness that had surrounded this so called witchery, and so the play was seen asâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦She did not feel that the kingdom was being run properly and decided to oppose this by setting up an army and sending it into demise, she was then caught by a group of French civilians, tried and later burnt at the stake. St. Joan confessed to the charge of being a heretic but later decided to change her mind and insist that she was innocent, this meant that she was indeed burnt at the stake. This is an historical play that is based on facts that had happened in the past. Although these three plays were centuries apart, all three had contemporary themes that are still relevant today. All three show the authors own views on what was happening at that time. The main character of The Crucible, John Proctor, is similar to the character of Antigone. On-stage there is a scene where Antigone is having an argument with Creon What sort of game are you playing, at which Antigone replies, I am not playing games. This chapter of the play shows us that Creon does not understand what kind of point Antigone is trying to prove as he wants her to live, and that Antigone has a determination and good opinion to want to give her brother a proper burial. On-stage John Proctor portrays his character similar to Antigone, as on-stage the audience are able to see two isolated characters in a society that is venting its anger to the two individual characters. John Procter is determined to do something that he views as being morally correct andShow MoreRelatedThe Witch Hunt in The Crucible and During the Time of McCarthyism1356 Words à |à 6 Pages In this essay, I intend to analyse the historical context of The Crucible and its relevance in todayââ¬â¢s society. I believe that Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s life and his experience of McCarthyism strongly influenced the writing of The Crucible. McCarthyism, named after Joseph McCarthy was a period of intense anti-communism, which occurred in the United States from 1948 to about 1956. 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